
Not-So-Obvious Home Staging Tips

When it comes to “staging” your home for sale – which basically means ensuring it looks clean and uncluttered – you probably already know the basics: clean the counters, vacuum the floors, mow the lawn, etc.But there are also some less obvious home staging tips that can help to sell ...

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Home Shopping and the Four-Legged Stool

What kind of stool is most likely to keep you from toppling over when you sit on it? Of course, two-legged stools won’t even stand on their own. Three-legged stools are okay, but still unstable. Four-legged stools are rock solid.What does this have to do with shopping for a new ...

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How to Become a Homeowner on a First-Time Buyer’s Budget

  It's not easy being a first-time homebuyer right now. At the end of last year, housing affordability hit an all-time low.1 Additionally, mortgage rates have risen significantly since 2021, while inventory remains tight for many property categories, but especially for starter homes. Even lower-priced condos are harder to snag these ...

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Stress-Free Home Cleaning: 27 Practical Tactics for Busy Households

  Keeping a clean and orderly home is a challenge for many of us. Between busy work schedules, social obligations, and family commitments, it’s tough to keep up with daily chores—let alone larger seasonal tasks. The effort is worthwhile, however. A sanitary environment can keep you and your family healthier by minimizing ...

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